What is Wellness?

Wellness and health are often used interchangeably, but these two terms have key differences.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Wellness is defined by the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) as "the active pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health."

Wellness is more than just physical health and a static state of being, but rather an active process of awareness and making conscious lifestyle choices that optimize whole-body health.

Overall wellness includes several key areas of your lifestyle, and each one can impact your physical and mental health. By making small changes within each area on a regular basis, you will be on your way to creating a unique wellness plan.

Wellness plans are completely unique to each individual. The lifestyle dimensions listed below are meant to be a guide to awareness on how to enhance that area of life. While only six areas are outlined, some wellness models list up to nine lifestyle dimensions, showing that wellness is fluid and ever-changing according to individual awareness.

  • Mind Body Health

    At Sarenity Herbal Apothecary, we strive to help you maximize your overall health and wellness. From aromatherapy products, herbs, tea blends, natural skincare, and so much more, Sarenity seeks to improve wellness from the inside out.

  • Education

    Our goal at Sarenity is to educate our customers about products and wellness through informative blogs, social media posts, and live store events.

  • Holistic Awareness

    Our mission is to uphold a whole-body wellness approach through modern research, natural ingredients, and alternative treatments that complement traditional medical care.


In addition to this wellness website, Sarenity is currently in the process of opening a brick and mortar store in Wylie, TX. This location is housed in a medical complex that offers everything from surgery to physical therapy, lab and x-ray services as well as custom pharmaceutical compounding. This setting creates the unique opportunity to discuss and collaborate alternative complementary care with licensed medical professionals.

With Sarenity, I am grateful and excited to be able to share this knowledge and care with you. Please return here frequently, as updates will be posted on our store activities, community events, as well as new products that will be launched on the website. Future products will include medicinal herbs, teas, household products, extensive aromatherapy products, and a natural skincare line that I have personally formulated.

Thank you for your support now and in the future.

— Sarah Cole, Owner and Founder

The information on this website is not meant to diagnose any condition, and our products are not meant to treat, cure, or prevent any disease, affliction, or illness. Please consult with your doctor if you have any questions regarding natural products and their course of care. Sarenity Herbal Apothecary does not take any responsibility for adverse reactions. For topical products, please perform a test on a patch of skin before use and follow recommended dilution percentages.