Eucalyptus globulus


A tree in which the leaves and twigs are collected to extract the essential oil. The leaves are leathery and fragrant. Although there are 8 different Eucalyptus trees the globulus is the most common. This tree is known for its height and oil. They can grow up to 100 feet high in a short time of 10 years. 


The Aborigines used Eucalyptus as a cure all for colds and people with poor health would locate close to these trees. This tree originated from China and was also known for its leaves. The leaves are steam distilled to extract Eucalyptus oil. China is the largest commercial producer. 

Plant facts: The main constituent in Eucalyptus is Cineole.

1,8-CINEOLE is reputed to have the following activity:

·         Analgesic

·         Antibacterial

·         Antifungal

·         Anti-inflammatory

·         Anti-spasmodic  

·         Antiviral

·         Increased blood flow

·         Reduced tension headaches

·         Antitussive 

Modern day use:

·         Soothe sore throats
·         Soothe coughs
·         Bronchitis
·         Sinusitis
·         Skin infections
·         Ulcers
·         Sores
·         Insect repellent
·         Soothing agent for the mind and can lift the spirits of cluttered thought and depression. 

How to use Eucalyptus:


When used in aromatherapy, scent receptors in the brain process the smell as refreshing and can promote a sense of vitality.  Used in a diffuser or inhaling directly from the bottle or through a nasal inhaler, Eucalyptus is said to be a soothing agent for the mind and can lift the spirits of cluttered thought and depression. 


With its disinfectant and anti-bacterial properties, eucalyptus makes an excellent household staple.  It can be used as an air purifier, deodorizer, surface cleaner, and fabric spray. 

To try: Put a few drops of eucalyptus, lemon, and tea tree oils in a sprayer with distilled water.  Shake well before each use as the oils will separate from the water. 


Due to its germicidal properties, eucalyptus is an excellent choice for cuts, scrapes, burns, stings, and wounds.  It relieves pain, protects and promotes faster healing. 

To try:  add a few drops to a premade salve or balm to boost its healing effects. 

Medicinally, eucalyptus has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties. 

Hazards and contraindications:

Avoid if you have high blood pressure or epilepsy. It can cause breathing problems in young children and infants under 10 years of age and is recommended not to be used for them.




Tea Tree Oil